Dental Implants Sydney Olympic Park
If you have missing teeth and want a solution that is as close to natural as possible, dental implants would be your ideal choice.
An implant is used to replace the missing tooth root and to support dentures. They are extremely comfortable and look exactly like your natural teeth. An implant does not come loose like dentures often do. Implants also aid oral health and hygiene because unlike bridges they are not anchored to other teeth.
There are several advantages in opting for dental implants:
They are the most comfortable option
Better oral health and hygiene
Speech and eating unaffected
Improved self-esteem
Implants last you a lifetime
The implant procedure
There are typically two stages in an implant procedure.
Stage 1:
The dental surgeon will perform the initial imaging to understand the problem, and then prepare a treatment schedule. The gum tissue is then opened up and the implant placed inside the bone using a drill. After the gum tissue is closed, it will start healing.
Stage 2:
The gum tissue will have to heal for a while. After about 3 to 6 months, the surgeon will place an abutment on top of the implant screw and then the crown is placed on the abutment.
Once the implant is in place, you can use it as you would your natural tooth.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
If you feel that dental implants may be the right solution for your missing teeth, get in touch with us to have a consultation with our dentists.